I tend to favor a rustic garden with not too much ornamentation. There was a time when I didn't want anything manmade in the yard. I can make up some really goofy rules for myself sometimes.
I like the emptiness.
So I invite you all dear readers, to consider the just right, perfect something that can take your outdoor space to the next level........Forthwith (is that one word or two? Or is that even a word?) some picks from our new offerings at Passionflower:
I could see a whole grouping of these buddha statues(which are only about a foot tall) lined up in a modern yard - or at the base of a special tree, or sitting in a circle of gravel. And the creamy, white is a nice color pop in our yards which are so green in Oregon.
Vertical gardening is a great option for those with limited outdoor space. Imagine a whole wall filled with various and assorted tillandsias on boards. Just hose them down whenever you need to water. The cedar will go grey over time.
So there's lots more goodies at the store and not all Asian. Rustic pieces, birdbaths, lanterns, benches, aged moss pots and more all await their perfect home.
Your make gardening almost seem posible on this rainy day! beautiful!