I always love it when my jewelry reps Thomas & Greta bring me samples of Susan Goodwin to order - like in this picture.

But it's even more fun to visit her studio which I fondly think of as "Susan's Garden of Earthly Delights". Becky & I recently had the pleasure of a visit when we were in Seattle.

It is a working studio and there are bowls of gems and pearls and findings all organized -

And shells and glassware for containers.

Collections of optometrist's tools.

And of course the most beautiful collections of pearls.

Everything has a quality of clarity and brilliance.

And my favorite part of her studio is this wall of women's portraits. They look down upon her big work table that seats four. I imagine Susan is making jewelry for all these types of women - As she is working she's having conversations with each of them.

Then she served us a little cup of Mariage Freres Marco Polo tea -
and put on some Miles Davis music.

And we looked at a book of
Alexander Calder jewelry.
They're having a Calder show at the Seattle Art Museum through April this year. I really want to see it.

Susan gave me a little lesson in how pounding metal makes it change shape and move.

So now whenever I see these earrings of Susan's, they will always be inextricably linked with the mobiles of Alexander Calder.
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