OMG, we have been having some beautiful, world class weather these last few days here in the Pacific Northwest. It is as if we are being rewarded for all those grey, rainy days which we have totally forgotten about as we are reveling in getting our vitamin D, evening bike rides, and outdoor dining. I have turned off the heat and cleaned off the deck....houseplant liberation is not far behind. And to be clear, these are not the bright, piercingly blue skies of a gorgeous day on the east coast, or the deep warmth of a tropical Mexican sun but rather the every leaf and every blade of green grass is at total attention singing some harmonic hosanna of thanks for the glorious world we find ourselves in. It's that good. Which perhaps might inspire you to come down to Passionflower and check out all our new spring and summer clothing in the upstairs annex and find yourself something as wonderful as the weather. Dare I say it, summer is really on it's way. (P.S. Sorry for the little adfomercial at the end, but I think I sequed into that in a fairly charming manner.)
photo courtesy one of our great vendors Bryn Walker - handmade clothing from Berkeley Ca.
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