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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Field Trip - Jane's House

Welcome to my friend Jane's house - where light and spaciousness rule.

Jane cuts my hair and she is a garden designer, mom, artist, and make you crack up kind of funny person. Here's the entrance to her side yard.

I love this shrub called corokia......

It grows pretty slowly and all spooky like. I think every yard should have a little slightly spooky, wild area.

Dang that pot looks good sitting in that cluster of sweet woodruff.

Everything is all green and lush when you first walk into Janes.

And inside she has birds chirping away in a sunroom. (How seriously old world cool is that?)

Two lovebirds in a cage in front of an oil painting ...

That painting of the river looks awful familiar. I think I go swimming there.

The birds seem happy.

to live by the river in the painting.

And these masks feel like they have popped out of the painting. It's a little trickster like.
Also note the floating frame that adds to the illusion.

I like how the dracena really inhabits the space of this painting by Adam Grosowsky (local Eugene painter made good).

Another view of the masks.

Stay tuned for future field trips to Jane's house.

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