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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Looking Outside on a Cold Winter Day

Flowers, I just must, must , must have flowers in my house this time of year.  Well actually I must have flowers all year round but, kind of, especially this time of year because it's just so cold and dried up andshriveled and  hard outside. 
It doesn't take much, just a bloom or two  -  in this case a little hyacinth and a hellebore in a champagne glass.
I like the lovely scent and the spot of color.
And I like how the hyacinths start out all stiff and upright and end up all fluffy and floppy.
And I realized flowers can be a little trickster this time of year - making you think it's springtime outside.
Because who knew, there'd be snow on the ground the day after I snapped this photo?

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