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Monday, June 14, 2010

Searching for the Blues

I needed something blue, something wildflower, something delicate for the bridal bouquet.....tweedia seemed just right.

Tweedia that's that periwinkle blue flower in the photo above.

But I 'd had bad experiences with tweedia in the past.....Wasn't sure. Didn't trust it.

So glad I gave it a second chance.


  1. Looks beautiful! Does tweedia grow wild around here?

  2. No Tweedia is a tropical vine. Check out more info about tweedia herehttp://www.extension.iastate.edu/news/2005/aug/072501.htm
    P.S. Tweedia has once again disappointed me and I'm not sure it's trustworthy...on the other hand since it is native to the tropics perhaps it just got too cold in our cooler and was unhappy.
